Thursday 5 March 2015

Introduction to my blog

Hello, my name is David Hartmann, and welcome to my first ever blog. I have been threatening to set up a blog ever since some lovely students of mine at a conference I was presenting at in Baltimore, USA, suggested I should. Over a few cleansing amber ales they outlined the benefits of such an endeavour, and I assured them that I would look into it more upon my return home to Australia. Well ladies, it might have taken the better part of 4 years but I’m finally ready. This hardly makes me the Road Runner or Speedy Gonzales of blog posts – ha!! More the slow turtle in the Tortoise and the Hare kids story.

The title of my blog address is designed to outline what it is I plan to do with my posts over the coming years. I want to be able to discuss topics that are outside the scope of Chinese medicine from time to time. Don’t get me wrong, Chinese medicine is the biggest love of my life outside of the family, but I also want to share my other passions, namely philosophy; and that is both Chinese philosophy throughout its thousands of years of evolution, as well as Western philosophy from its antiquity to modern day.

One of the really important things I have found whilst studying philosophy is that the reader should have a base knowledge of the history during the period that they are philosophising. This allows the reader a greater understanding of why that philosopher was thinking the things he was thinking. And yes, most philosophers over the centuries have been men!

So as I discuss and analyse the thoughts of a particular philosopher you will also get a brief look at what was happening in their world at the time; whether it be Kong Fu Zi (Confucius) and the tumultuous period he was alive called the Warring States (475-221BCE); or Seneca (4BCE-65CE) and his musings during the reign of the Roman emperors Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero; or perhaps Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679CE) and his view on the world being dog-eat-dog (actually he referred to it as ‘Social Contract Theory’) during a time when the catholic church lost its grip on England, thanks largely to King Henry VIII.

I hope to be able to simplify what these guys were trying to say; I want to essentially 'Aussie-fy' their thoughts in a passionate manner that engages the reader. My hope is also to insert the philosophical ideas into our world; as in, use a philosopher by discussing his views on anxiety or stress or relationship problems. And lastly, to then offer regular evening discussions on these philosophers for those that live near me.

 Lastly, I am aiming to post a blog every 2-3 weeks. The next three topics are as follows:
  1. How the Back Shu points and the Outer Run/Pathway of the Urinary Bladder channel regulates the Seven Emotions and the Wu Shen (Five Spirits) - will be posted shortly.
  2. A closer look at the medicine of ancient China, Greece, and Rome. Of particular interest is how people viewed health and healing, which was often in direct relationship to Gods/Goddesses/Demons. I find this topic particularly fascinating and I hope you will too. Please be on the lookout for that one in coming weeks.
  3.  I will be throwing out a hypothetical about Kidney Jing, genetics and hereditary diseases/disorders, especially in the context of diseases and immunity. For example, does Kidney Jing provide you with a natural/genetic immunity, or in fact does it predispose you to ancestral diseases?
Can’t wait to hear from you all in the near future; take care.

David Hartmann

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