I treated the same patients every day, every second day, or
whenever they could afford to come. Some patients even came for each of the ten
days that I worked. It was an incredible experience and one I will never
It was on my second last visit that I had something
quite extraordinary occur which I thought you might find interesting.
About 4am one morning I was awakened by a deep
rumbling under my bed. I initially thought it was an underground train, which
was silly of me considering Vanuatu doesn’t have a train-line. I was still half
asleep so give me a break okay?
The rumbling intensified followed by a series of jolts
and bumps and knocks. Having never been in an earthquake before I was finding
it quite surreal until my motel door cracked inside its frame (which was quite
impressive seeing as the door was solid wood nearly two inches thick). It was
so loud and scared me half to death. The whole event lasted no more than two
minutes but it left me shaken (not stirred); and there was no more sleep for me
that night.
I got up and went for a walk along Vila Bay (the sun
was rising) and felt I had recovered adequately for my day of work. I changed
motel rooms (the door couldn’t lock anymore) and then walked to work. But all
morning I was hurting my patients with every single needle insertion. I tend to
average 1-2 nasty inserts from every ten needles so I was way off my game.
At the time it didn’t occur to me that it could have
been the earthquake. But here’s the thing. Was it my energy or was it Port
Vila’s energy? By lunchtime I had treated ten patients and hurt all ten. I told
myself that I had to get out of the clinic. Normally I would walk down the road
to a café for lunch but on this day, I walked down to Erakor Lagoon and sat
under a giant tree.
I meditated for an hour (it felt like ten minutes) and
then walked back to work. Even without lunch I powered through the afternoon
and didn’t hurt another patient.
To this day I have never had a similar experience (I
have also never been in another earthquake) and I still haven’t been able to
answer my question. Was it my energy or Port Vila’s energy that resulted in my
high rate of patient discomfort? Best I can guess is that it was both. I wonder
whether any of you have had a similar experience?
Keen to hear your thoughts.
Love and light to you all.
David Hartmann